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null Overseeing the news of the night during daytime

08/28/2018 | People

Overseeing the news of the night during daytime

Diane Zinsel, foreign correspondent in the Keystone-SDA office in Sydney, gives an insight into her professional everyday life. Published in "24heures" on August 29, 2019.

Night shift from Down Under
For her passion for journalism, young journalist Diane Zinsel from Switzerland's news agency Keystone-SDA has left everything behind. She covers news from the other side of the globe while Switzerland is sleeping.
24 heures / Florian Cella
24 heures / Florian Cella



A few years ago, Keystone-SDA moved the night shift to Sydney. That way, the night staffers can work during australian daytime on swiss and international news stories that happen after 11pm swiss time.


Diane Zinsel, foreign correspondent in the Keystone-SDA office in Sydney, gives an insight into her professional everyday life. Published in "24heures" on August 29, 2019.